Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Ayurveda is oldest healthcare & alternative medicine system which was discovered in India.It is practiced in india and Nepal.80% of population consume Ayurvedic medicine.Ayurveda treatment consists of herbal medicines ,meditation,yoga and massage.The goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore right balanace among mind ,body and soul.According to Ayurvedic theory human bodies are made up of space,air ,fire ,water and earth.These Universal elements form three energies.


When a person is sick all dosha become unbalanced and then Ayurvedic doctors treat it by rebalancing the doshas.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a sexual disorder that causes men to struggle to get or stay erect during sexual intercourse. In recent years, sexual health problem is more common than ever, even with younger men.It is common problem nowadays affecting almost 40% of male population and many men above 40 years.There are physical or physiological Factors responsible for ED.Physical factors include disease like heart disease ,hypercholesterolemia,low testosteronelvel,spinal cord injury,diabetes,obesity,excessive use of alcohol.Whereas psychological factors involvedepression,anxiety and stress. .In Ayurveda, ED is called ‘Klaibya’ and is a well-documented disorder with clear Ayurvedic treatments provided



Ayurvedic doctors use Ashwagandha also known as Withania Somnifera to treat psychogenic ED.Peaple having psychogenic male erectile disorder have difficulty of maintaining erection because of:

  • Sexual anxiety
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear about sexual performance

The bark of the root obtained from the Withania somnifera plant is recognized for its powerful aphrodisiac properties. This sattvic herb generates ‘ojas’ and provides strength to the penile tissue during sexual activity. It further boosts libido, increases stamina and prevents premature ejaculation. The churna obtained from the roots when taken in proper dosage reduces mental stress and fatigue, promotes longevity and effectively treats erectile dysfunction.
In 2011 clinical study 86 male took ASHWAGANDHA in form of powder and they have shown excellent result.

2. Vajikarana therapy

Vajikarana therapy revitalizes the elements of the body and restores balance and health .These formulations improve the reproductive system and enhance sexual function by acting on the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain. Vajikarana therapy may also lower anxiety around sexual desire and performance and even increase some reproductive hormones.. Vajikarana therapy uses hundreds of different formulas, each of which has several different ingredients. Some Vajikarana preparationsTrusted Source for ED include:

  • vrihani gutika
  • vrishya gutika
  • vajikaranam ghritam
  • upatyakari shashtikadi gutika
  • medadi yog
  • Chlorophytum borivilianum, Asparagus racemosus, and Curculigo orchioides

3. Shatavari

Referred to as ‘Queen of Herbs’, Shatavari which goes by the scientific name Asparagus racemosus is an extremely beneficial herb for improving the sexual function of both male and female. The tincture or powder when taken regularly boosts blood circulation and induces calmness in the mind. The rejuvenative effects of this herb nourish the Shukra dhatu and increase sperm production.

4. Cinnamomum cassia

A group of researchers from Turkey conducted laboratory testingTrusted Source of Cinnamomum cassia (cinnamon) essential oil on samples of erectile tissue from humans and rats. The study showed that cinnamon essential oil and its primary component, cinnamaldehyde, relaxed the erectile tissue of both humans and rats. If this effect occurred in a real-life scenario, it would likely result in an erection.

5. Tulsi Beej

Tulsi, also known as the ‘Holy Basil’ has been with us for ages. Thanks to its numerous medicinal properties, it is extremely beneficial in treating male impotency. The seeds when taken regularly increases blood flow and strength in the penile tissue. It is also beneficial for treating loss of libido and general debility and improving overall stamina.

6. Safed Musali

This yellowish-white root-like substance obtained from the Chlorophytum borivilianum is a potent vajikaran (i.e. an aphrodisiac herb). It helps reduce stress-related immune disorder that induces the production of corticosterone, which in turn inhibits the production of testosterone. Ayurveda strongly recommends the intake of a spoonful of musali every day to enhance sexual appetite and promote sperm count.

7. Gokshura

Gokshura churna has a promising effect on improving men’s sexual health. The churna has potent spermatogenic properties that hold high significance in treating hypospermia (low volume of semen), asthenozoospermia (i.e. sperm motility), oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count), and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e. sperm production). Being a natural antioxidant, it improves the production of testosterone and helps to treat conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Apart from the addition of natural herbs in your daily diet, certain exercises when incorporated into your regular lifestyle helps to promote a healthy lifestyle and fight the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction effectively.

8. Kegel Exercises

In men, Kegels chiefly target and strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle. This muscle allows the penis to fill with blood during an erection, pump during ejaculation and empty the urethra after urination. Pelvic floor muscles or bulbocavernosus muscles are the ones that allow you to clench and stop the urine stream several times in the middle of urination.

To perform Kegel exercises, squeeze those muscles, hold for 4-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat these 10 to 20 times, two or three times a day, in different positions including sitting in a chair, lying down with your knees up, and standing.

9. Yoga

Ayurvedic medicine also includes yoga practice. Practitioners believe that people who adopt a regular yoga practice may feel less stressed and have improved overall reproductive health. People can often improve their sex life by reducing their stress levels. In this way, yoga may help treat mild ED.

An article in the International Journal of YogaTrusted Source reviewed the evidence on male reproductive health and the practice of yoga. According to the authors, Kundalini yoga can stimulate sexual energy. They also note that other forms of yoga, such as moola bandha, use specific stretches and movements that increase blood flow to the pelvis. These forms of yoga may help those with ED.